jiRO [wangdongcheng]- DADONG!

Agnes Tan Eng Shan
14 yr old girl
26th february 1996
Cannosa Convent Girl's School
Damai Secondary - 2E4


good grade!
good health!
new handphone!
new laptop!
meet fahrenheit!
cn go out wif my pri fren aka whole fruit family!
cn go overseas wif best frenz!
meet hibari kyoya!
get full set of pacifier,mare ring and vongola ring!


Huiping Choir Cherlyn class rossa niva sheryl jaslyn(小毛毛) sarah(cheesecake) pw group Tan xuan(my "darling")


music player

Create a playlist at MixPod.com


April 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010



Brushes- 1 | 2

Monday, August 31, 2009

see,agnes so bad. she abandon u. ):
Update leh agnes?!
Today got aces day so boring!!
went pri sch.
meet pri sch tchers&frens.
went home.
cant wait till break-fast.
Goin aunty hse break-fast.
byebye =.=


Friday, August 21, 2009

HiHiHi!! nw im sharing tis blog wif agnes dear :D so here is d first time posting on dis blog.
Juz nw went to sch...
met agnes at the parade square. Then after sch got choir. Practice until 3.30pm.
Den we went mama shop wif natasha n eat noodles!! :D
After eat,go play STUPID staircase game.
Agnes always win first!! where did your luck come from hah?
Then met kaien,played wif her. After dat went to d nearest bench n chatted.
After dat,we sang choir songs. Then went homed.
In bus,agnes n me also sing choir songs. HAHA
then i was homed. o.O
okok larh.. byebye.. ;)


hi,long time nvr post liao(actually onli 1 day)haha.but anyway,2 day went 2 sch.then have chinese lessons.so noisy.then gt eng,sci then history.2day get back history retest results.i gt 9 1/2.so happy sia.then after that gt choir until 3.30 pm.after that went mama shop wif yinita and natasha to eat maggie mee.after eating,we saw Kai en(the DM).Then we say jokes.so funny.i keep on laughing.yinita say i laugh like crazy.that is y my nickname is laughing queen.haha


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Hi sorrie 4 nt posting 4 so long...
i realised that i don feel happy in my form class.On Monday,we juz gt scolded by Ms Wong 4 being noisy b4 recess.and we did nt have geography lessons that day.we r suppose 2 do some activities on that day.i feel so sad that day...
nothing 2 say liao


Thursday, August 13, 2009

Hi,juz came back from Taiwan.luckily we went to Taiwan later coz on Sat,there r typhoons in Taiwan.When we get there,the typhoons r smaller,not so strong.I feel so lucky.By the way,i apologise 4 nt buying presents from Taiwan 4 all of u.
2day,when i gt back 2 sch,there r 3 exams altogether.There is geography,science practical and chinese oral.
bUt all is fine.its fun 2day.i miss all my frens.
see ya


Friday, August 7, 2009

hi,sorrie 4 not posting 4 a lot of days.cause i lazy 2 write.recently i have a little problem with EMMA.she is my fren from 1e1.but she has been very sad and often get angry easily.Yinita and i thinks that she had totally changed after the june hols.i realli think that i don understand her at all.I feel that we cant even communicate.she and i has a totally different ways of life and she expected me 2 follow her.
nxt,another problem from choir.some1 has been using my name to spam the choir blog.the person who did that i hope that u will stop doing so.
last of all,a happy news,i am going TAIWAN during the national day hols.i am so happy.i am totally looking forward 2 it.over there i can stop thinking abt the sch stuff and enjoy.my mother rox!!!my sister is having a little problem with the plan.on the last day of the TAIWAN trip,she is having an examination.we have been talking 2 her teacher 2 persuade her 2 let her take her exams after we had came back from the trip ,which is the nxt day.
