jiRO [wangdongcheng]- DADONG!

Agnes Tan Eng Shan
14 yr old girl
26th february 1996
Cannosa Convent Girl's School
Damai Secondary - 2E4


good grade!
good health!
new handphone!
new laptop!
meet fahrenheit!
cn go out wif my pri fren aka whole fruit family!
cn go overseas wif best frenz!
meet hibari kyoya!
get full set of pacifier,mare ring and vongola ring!


Huiping Choir Cherlyn class rossa niva sheryl jaslyn(小毛毛) sarah(cheesecake) pw group Tan xuan(my "darling")


music player

Create a playlist at MixPod.com


April 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010



Brushes- 1 | 2

Friday, January 22, 2010

2day is rather a tough day 4 me...in the morning keep on getting said that i have a small world...then the barry stockton say that i nvr hand in my summary...luckily i always photocopy my work cause always go missing 1...i am very disappointed in niva(my best fren)2day...i cant believe she is so childish 2 throw eraser dust on alice and sam's table and when sam say stop throwing the eraser dust on the table,niva actually said that it is nt her table...its aisyah's.NONSENSE!!!the table she is seating at is also nt her table...it belongs 2 the sch.i am realli disappointed in niva,cant believe she actually did that.after history lesson,went 2 find ms lee ley har cause alice wan 2 change CCA.frm guzheng 2 choir...so happy...another gd news,FERLYN CHANGING CCA and alice joining choir...super happy...guess wat CCA ferlyn join...
MEDIA CLUB...hahas...gd luck 2 the media club members!!! anyway,happy birthdae ranishka!!!

nth 2 say le
will post when gt time


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

2day,our sch start sch ltr...it start at 8.15am...so happy...when i reach sch,i saw zhi hui and she send me a lot of hibari's photo...so thankful 2 her...hahas
then saw junhao,sherwell they all...then another guy came and keep on saying that sherwell and i are short or watever...so annoying...then after that gt barry stockton's lesson...so boring
anyway,thank you cherlyn 4 ur christmas present...its a piglet wrapped up wif a cloth...and people who know cherlyn,pls wish her a happy b'dae on 31 jan.
2day went home at 2 plus...cause need 2 discuss abt the class fund raising things..ah yes,and we had class photo taking 2day...im nt goin 2 buy the photo cause i am sitting down...feel so short...

nth 2 say le...
will b posting if gt time


Monday, January 4, 2010

hihi. long time no blog liao.ay niva u hor...anyway nth 2 say la...juz telling u abt 2day in sch...i got 1 English teacher frm England...he talk all the way thru and i have no idea wat he talking abt...he has the British slang so its like...u know de la...but he quite funny...when he tried 2 pronounce our name,i was laughing until my tears roll down...its super funny when he pronounce the Chinese name.luckily mine was ok...hahas especially niva's name...i am so happy that ms Tay nt teaching us anymore.she was transferred out 2 another sch...gd luck 2 the sch that ms tay was transfrerred 2...hahas

nth 2 say liao
will update the blog if i have the time...
