jiRO [wangdongcheng]- DADONG!

Agnes Tan Eng Shan
14 yr old girl
26th february 1996
Cannosa Convent Girl's School
Damai Secondary - 2E4


good grade!
good health!
new handphone!
new laptop!
meet fahrenheit!
cn go out wif my pri fren aka whole fruit family!
cn go overseas wif best frenz!
meet hibari kyoya!
get full set of pacifier,mare ring and vongola ring!


Huiping Choir Cherlyn class rossa niva sheryl jaslyn(小毛毛) sarah(cheesecake) pw group Tan xuan(my "darling")


music player

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April 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010



Brushes- 1 | 2

Monday, April 12, 2010

here are some of my choir senior(commitee)will miss them:(

hihi,long time no post liao...2dae,choir has a lunch time concert...so fun and nervous...and u noe wat,tkl embarrassed herself in front of the whole damai sec sch again.ty cherlyn and sam and rossa.then,2dae is also the dae that senior step down...so sad:( will miss them...BAOSHI 2dae so kind...treat us 2 japanese cuisine...thanks alot...haha...and guo hao for the egg thing...lols...during lunch,jun hao and sherwell was dancing the 'pig dance'again...so funny...ty jun hao and sherwell for bringing so much laughter during lunch...lols...we ate ice cream too.so nice...joewin also came wif us to lunch(he is my ex choir chairman la)so nan de(read it in chinese)...haha...
nth 2 say le
